My Infographic art
"New technologies"
"A 21st century digital technology progress overview"
Infographic art - "21st century digital technology"
Infographic video art
My fine art - medium, watercolour markers
Vector space art filmmaking
"Electronic film - realisation"
Art-systematisations aesthetics and art polarities 2025 - technologisation art
"Electronic film 2"
"Electronic music video"
this music video i made was inspired by grunge film
music video
"Universal topes" in art
similar to mechanical forms made using hilbert filters in the max m.s.p software
Influenced by 20th century music and 21st century clothing design and music video
Youtube channel Idents - "infospace content" - personalisation, clarity and impressionism, integration, realisation"
I see "infospace content" in art being between systems aesthetics and systematisations aesthetics, a level of art that helps support awareness, about art and "value domains" for the psyche, early 21st century "reality art" also has a polarity to the "infospace content" level of art.
"Infospace content" - realisation, personalisation, integration, "reality art"
grunge film neogrunge art
neogrunge art
"Musiart films"
a form of "vector space art" similar to music space art that i created using max m.s.p and a 2006 Fuji d.s.l.r in 2024