From silent film in the 1800's, to fluxus and fluxus similar art, in the 1960's to graphic art and the modularisation of the artists perspective and the modularisation of the artists integration in the 1980's and 2010's. to modern art, to musifilm, to silent similar film, to polaroid developing on film, to cyanotypes, "musitypes"? and more!
Remembering and perception support in the arts and humanities
Spatiality support in the arts and humanities
Cognitive-lexical support in the arts and humanities
Spatial-lexical support in the arts and humanities
Spatiality and digital-poietic support in the arts and humanities
From silent film to modern art, to musiart to silent similar film.
Direct from d.s.l.r using a 2006 Fuji d.s.l.r
Direct from digital
A music-record I made using musiart techniques in 2022.
Complex playlists - User interface prototypes, flip dot displays, stereograms, dot matrix printers, Direct from nature smart materials like near infrared responsive minerals like sphalerite, finite space machines, stereo.
User interface prototype design - Between bespoke production and mass production
Direct from humans
Unusual cool
Koinosyncratic, idiosyncratic, unusual, novelty, spatiality, beauty.
Soil moisture capacitance sensors, I used the tinovi soil moisture sensorfor a project.
"Beta similar"
Real music similarity
Music space effects - direct effects
Direct beauty, direct from beauty
0.45 "the beauty of "musiart in life"
Direct from art - Intuitive multimedia art
Music similarity
Complexity art
Similar to visual forms used by biology
Vegetarianism - I am a vegetarian since 2021-2022.
Direct from nature?
A collaboration i was record production artist on;
My own youtube page for personal use and for sharing educational materials for adults -
I live at 27 sunnyside drive, ormeau road, south Belfast where i make art and do record production art from my own private studio facilities. I am currently using a valvotronics gain rider pro 3 pentode dynamics processor, a thermionic culture pullet passive equaliser, and a tascam 112 b cassette machine, steinberg wavelab elements.