Youtube playlists - The playlist is accessible on the top right of each video.
The artist - From the psyche to the omnipsyche
The human - From omnireality to psyche
Neoconsolidation processes in art musiart and record production art
"Eagle shadow" and "Fur" electronic and independent music aliases used to make "intrahauntology" or "lifemusic"?
Media can be like the campfire - The campfire was maybe significant in our evolution as a species, hypnotic effect of 2-d surfaces is similar.
Consolidation processes in art, musiart, and record production art
"Spaceology art" in between therology art and topeology art? Therology art or therblig similar art, and some topeology art.
Creative identity, brand identity
Contextual research foundations, Shareable foundations - Spatiality
Complexity clarity art
Complexity integration art
Complexity demystification art
From origination to reinventivity in art - Origination, novelisation, interventivity, reinventivity
Musihauntology - D.V.D Nice similar?
Musitopeology 3 - The graphitope
Musitopeology 2 - The machine similar
Musitopeology 1 - The biosimilar.
Topeology in prototype design
Extrapolatively generated musictopeology using A.I.V.A
Graphitopeology generated with imagine image generator
Towards spacegrams
Contextual - D.V.D nice
Contextual study - Spatial archetypy in fashion design
Contextual research, Shareable overviews, commerciality, nice for people
Nice for people
Visual art
Interconcept art
Interspatiality art and real music similarity
Psychogeography art
Intuitive improvisation
The phase scope - Lissajous motion vector spaces like a stringed instrument where the strings can move.
Cog - "Musiart 1.0"
Music created using artificial intelligence or extrapolative processes
Visual art created by artificial intelligence and or extrapolation processes
Neoimpressionism or neoformalism in art
Demystification art
Integrations and realisations
Nature similar art
Relaxationalism art
An art genre from 2016-2018 "Cautionism"
Perspective art "My Perspective"
Swirl, haze, novelty -, novelty, jungian -, jungian, nature similarity.